Your business is sitting on a goldmine!

Requalify Your Cold & Dead Leads

Using SMS and ChatGPT


It costs Five Time as much to attract a new customer to your business, than to keep an existing one.


Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more, when compared to new customers.

60 - 70%

The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 to 70%, while selling to a new prospect is 5 to 20%.

Discover untapped leads in your database

  • Convert 30%+ more leads

  • Cost Effective

  • Maximize your ROI

  • Keep your sales team happy

  • Build customer loyalty

  • Identify new opportunities

  • Improve customer retention

What is AI-Driven Lead Reactivation?

Database Reactivation streamlines customer records and utilizes SMS & ChatGPT to convert inactive leads by reigniting their interest in your service.

Managed by our state-of-the-art AI-driven technology, we are able to start re-engaging your prospects within 24 hours of them becoming a lead.

Keep the conversation going with your leads to maximize your business's ROI.

How It Works...

Database Analysis

We help you analyze your database to pinpoint potential leads.


We use customized messages to re-engage and rekindle their interest.


Watch as dormant leads are re-qualified back into your sales pipeline.

Industries Suitable For Our

Database Reactivation Campaigns...

Debt Consolidation



Real Estate

Business Loans









Tree Removal


Is Lead Reactivation right for your business?

Established Business

Your business should have been operating for a minimum of 12-months

Existing Lead Base

You should have at least 500 leads, new or old, each with a name and mobile number,

Good Product/Service

You need high-converting offer ; if unavailable, we'll help in identifying one.

Business Expansion

You'll need the infrastructure and budget in place to acquire new customers as the business grows.

Lifetime Customer Value

You understand the long-term value of new customers and the importance of any proven offer promoted to these leads.

Use of a CRM

You must agree to grant us access to your CRM, subject to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).


What's the success rate of our AI?

Several factors, such as the age and quality of your list and the strength of your offer, influence outcomes. It's worth noting that SMS messages boast a 90% open rate, greatly increasing the likelihood of your message being seen.

Do I need to format my list?

Ideally, you should refine the list to avoid messaging customers who've opted out of your marketing or those problematic ones. We'll also validate all emails to prevent contacting inactive addresses, thus enhancing your email deliverability.

What kind of offers work best?

It varies based on your niche. For example, in the solar industry, you might offer a 20% discount on contracts signed within the next 7 days.

Is using SMS & AI for marketing legal?

You're not breaking any laws by sending marketing based SMS messages to customers who have opted in to receive them. If you can't prove a customer has opted in, you can't send them marketing text messages.

How large of a list do I need?

We advise having a minimum of 500 people for a reactivation campaign. The larger your list, the more responses you can expect.

Do we need an IT team?

No, we handle all AI building and tailor it to your niche. Everything is custom-made for you, so our team will confirm the questions you want to ask before launching the campaign.

Our Other AI Tools

Speed To Lead

Struggling with missed sales due to slow response times? Our 'Speed to Lead' AI bot is the game-changer you need.

No more losing 'Ready to Buy' customers to voicemail or enquiry piles. This 24/7 tool instantly communicates with the potential client, ensuring you never miss a lead again.

Boost your lead-to-sale conversion and outpace competitors without adding extra sales staff.

Out Of Hours AI Chat Bot

Tired of waking up to cold leads? Our 'Out of Hours' AI bot turns this around. It’s active 24/7, engaging leads that come in overnight or during weekends, ensuring they never go cold.

This smart bot chats with prospects, warming them up, and schedules qualified leads as appointments in your calendar.

No more lost opportunities; just a stream of warm, ready-to-close leads waiting for you. Embrace round-the-clock lead engagement and transform your sales process.

Automated Google Reviews

Boost trust and credibility effortlessly with our AI review response bot.

It's not just gathering reviews; it's how you respond that counts. Customers judge your attentiveness and care based on your replies, especially to negative feedback.

Our AI bot handles this efficiently responding in a human-like manner, saving you time and enhancing customer relations.

KC Digital is an all-in-one marketing and sales platform for home-service businesses that helps them get more appointments, win more jobs, get paid faster and do what you do best, your job.

Contact Info

Feel free to get in touch with us by phone or send us a text message.

(720) 740-2676

[email protected]